martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016



The armadillo, the tigrillo, the jaguar, the puma, the iguana and the sea turtle.
The Puma:The puma or mountain lion, lion or panther (Puma concolor), is a mammal of the family Felidae, Native American
The armadillo:They are very easy to recognize, for having an armature formed by bone plates.
The sea turtle: Sea turtles are found in all oceans of tropical and temperate waters.
The tigrillo: is a native of Central America and South America.
Some of the endangered species of Sinaloa are:

                                                                                                          Similarly, birds such as the green macaw, the perico atolero, parakeet orange front, parrot yellow head and red-fronted cotorro appear in the list of species at risk. TAKE CARE OF SPECIES IN EXTINCTION HAZARD BECAUSE DO YOU NOT DO THOSE WHO WOULD DO?

"The jaguar is a very important species that is found in Concordia, El Rosario, Escuinapa, Cosalá, even in Choix has been seen," commented Jonathan García, state subdelegate of Profepa.
As for the main places of sea turtle arrival, Garcia pointed to the towns of Ceuta, Elota, San Ignacio and La Isla de la Piedra in Mazatlán.
Operative. Although Sinaloa does not represent a red spot in terms of traffic and involvement of the various protected animals, these activities do occur, said the subdelegate.

1 comentario:

  1. This information is interesing about the flora and fauna in te region, so I grateful because your information was very important...
